Mary Cummings, Agent and Founder


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My most recent virtual presentation, "Strategies for 'Selling' Your Work to an Agent," was held with San Diego SCBWI on November 9, 2024. 

Virtual presentation description:

Out of eagerness to see their book sold to a publisher, sometimes writers and illustrators do not think about the fact that their project first needs to be “sold” to an agent. Agents are looking for wonderful stories, but your skill as a writer isn’t all that is on display in your communication with an agent. You will have the best chance of success if you show that you are informed about how what you offer is similar to and different from comparable titles; if you can describe a project briefly and compellingly; if you have a clear sense for the prospective audience; and why you think the particular agent may want to represent you. In reviewing your query, the agent will be looking for clues about your professionalism and commitment. If you don’t present yourself well in your query, no matter how strong your story, you likely won’t receive a favorable response from the agent. Insights into all of these points, as well as “do” and “don’t do” pointers, will be covered in this session, with time also for Q &A.